Right first and foremost EVERYBODY has cellulite. Skinny, toned and fit females as well as men. Cellulite leaves no one untouched. Like death and taxes. The only difference is the degree of severity of the cellulite as well as the education on how to prevent more cellulite.
Secondly, one cannot cure cellulite.
Now that I've brought you the bad news there is no need to throw away your denim shorts and burn your bikini bottoms. Cellulite can be managed. I'm here to explain to you how...
I turned around yesterday and said to my fiancé: "my cellulite's gone!" he replied, excitedly, like he'd forgotten it was there (reinforcing the fact that we should make peace with our "cellies" because 1) Men don't care 2) love yourself), he asked me spin around and then screamed: "Yeah!" we high fived each other and headed out to run...
Two months ago, before I started "dieting" I believed with no worry that I would eat and train my cellies away. And I did. 2 months of cleaning eating and hard hours training.
What is Cellulite?
"orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin, hail damage, and the mattress phenomenon"

Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually occurs after puberty. In my understanding it is the toxins stored in the fat cells beneath the skin. The higher your body fat percentage the more fat cells you have. A fatter individual has fatter fat cells. Yo yo dieting confuses cells and this aggravates deformed irregular shaped cells too - which annoys the situation. So now we are sitting with irregular shaped cells that are filled, emptied, filled, stored with toxins... Depending on several factors of skin types, the thinner your skin is, the more visible your cellulite (men have thicker skins and that is why their cellulite isn't as visible as ours).
What causes Cellulite?
1) Hormonal factors
2) Genetics - such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
3) Diet - ***people who eat too much fat, processed foods, carbohydrates - (simple sugars) or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.***

Cellulte Culprit
4) Lifestyle factors - ***cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, people who drink and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time.***
5) Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limiting blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite.
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about our hormones, genetics and the types of jobs we have. But we do have control over our lifestyle choices and which foods we pick up and put into our mouths. As adults we are not force fed and eating healthier does not have to be expensive.
I've researched, investigated and read - the only thing that will help manage the appearance of cellulite is to eat a healthful diet and engage in regular exercise.

And this goes for the training OUTSIDE the gym,when you're
not with your PT at home, out with friends - TRAINING of Sacrifice and Restraint
You can't practice one without the other. You absolutely cannot spend hours in the gym killing yourself to only later indulge in beers, cocktails, carbohydrates and processed foods if you want your 1) body fat to decrease 2) body compositional changes. You may improve your quality of life and work on your "sexy," with extraordinary training you might even hit no 2) a body compositional change - but your body fat mass will stay the same and the scale will go up. You will be adding on toxins and mass. So basically giving more space for your cellulite.
Now let's say, you were afraid of gaining "mass" - lets be honest, no girl enjoys a hike on the scale. But deep down you know it's really staying away from the sushi platters and dinner dates and late night biscuits that is going to stand in the way of your cellulite free derrière.

A very toned Beyonce, but still with some cellulite
But at the same time everyone wants to be toned, because an increase in exercise will add more definition to your physique, give you better posture, make you stronger and increase circulation to enhance smoother skin. The only way we are going to achieve that together is if we do some sort of resistance training. Cardio only is definitely NOT the option. Right, now that I've cleared that up - moving on.

Cellulite on a Skinny starlet, definitely no weight training here
Does exercise really give you "thicker skin?"
Regular exercise stimulates collagen production and increases the amount of human growth hormone released by your body. Both of these factors can make your skin healthier and thicker. YES PLEASE! Boob lift, ass lift, face lift all in one!

What is Collagen? - we need it!
Exercise stimulates the formation of collagen, a protein that comprises most of the connective tissue in tendons, ligaments and bones. Collagen is responsible for supporting the skin, and its production slows the aging process by countering the formation of wrinkles. Producing more collagen makes your skin thicker since its size depends in part on the amount of collagen fibers present.

Cellulite on the left, fat cells are bigger and irregular

cellulite on my tummy and thighs, even arms, 71 Days ago

A more recent shot - Cellulite has come down dramatically
Human Growth Hormone
Exercise increases **blood flow** to the skin, providing it with more oxygen and nutrients, which increases the secretion of human growth hormone. This hormone regulates cell activity and prevents wrinkles. Some people inject human growth hormone directly as an anti-aging technique to thicken skin and reduce wrinkles.
It all sounds like hard work, but what victorious achievement didn't require work?
Consult a professional trainer and a registered dietitian. I have a network of health professionals that can assist you with engaging in a fitness program all around Cape Town as well as my dietitian - who I swear by. I have seen fantastic results with clients when they are dedicated to both.

Drink fresh lemon squeezed into hot water daily upon rising - those of you who k know me know its my elixir - it's all I drink!
Anything processed in packets must go! - sugar prevents the production of collagen, increases appearance of cellulite and wrinkles.
Try to eat raw, closest to natural, out of the ground produce.
Salted foods must go, especially if you have water retention issues / high blood pressure.
Don't ingest white starches - unless it's a Special Occasion - but ask yourself how many "Special Occasions" are you indulging in?
Every week CHEAT DAYS must stop! - don't be delusional.
Stock up on berries as they are antioxidant and helps flush out toxins.
Eat a Grapefruit a day/ 100% Grapefruit Juice from Woolies.
Eat Papaya, particularly prevent tissue / cell damage so prevents irregularity under the skins surface..
Eat plenty of veggies - anything green and bright.
Diuretic fruits & vegetables - pineapple, celery, cucumber, onions & asparagus.

Aim for 3 quality weight train sessions at 45min each. Warm up and cool down. Do not neglect Prehab exercises, stability and always include flexibility into your program.
If you are feeling Rambo (like me) you can add 2 more shorter weight training (resistance) sessions into your week. If you are female, you should take note as to how your body is changing and adapting to the exercise, in my case, the previous 4 years of weight lifting has allowed for big gains - training weight 4-6 p/ week is not necessary for my goals at this stage... Training is journey that becomes part of your lifestyle. Everybody's goals are different.
Exercises to do: Squats, lunges, deadlifts, step ups, Kettlebell swings in all it's variations and forms of it. Until you want to throw up.

28 December 2012 - smoother
At this stage of the year I've doubled my cardio and for myself in particular I found during slabbing on muscle mass from January - May 2012 I cut back on my cardio - my cellulite appearance sky rocketed. Due to 1) naughty diet 2) extra mass for toxins to settle.
Exercises to do: 40-60min jogs, 30min runs, 10min rowing at a time, 20min stepping, 20-40min incline walking, climbing a mountain, trail running. Make sure you get 40-60min cardio in 5-6 p/week.
Dropping the "weight" and cleaning up my eating has caused me to literally shrink. Even though I was tight, strong and toned because of the type of training I do, I am now smaller, proportionate to the desired effect, lighter and able to run easily and mostly cellulite free, still maintaining shape... ;)
Day 71 on trying my best to eat clean and train for optimum circulation and fat loss as well as muscle definition and I'm already 68cm and 5kg down.
Contact me for personal training and group training :) as well Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes.

Yours in Fitness
Rushda Moosajee
Functional Hybrid Trainer | Lifestyle Coach
86 Buitengracht street (corner of Hout, 2nd floor above Build It)
Cape Town
Academy: 021 423 2112
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63
Academy Website: http://www.renzogracie.co.za/
Lightpink by Rushtush: http://renzogracie.co.za/index.php/programs/light-pink-program
My website: http://rushismissfit.blogspot.com/
Follow Me on Twitter:@Ruhtush
Follow Us on Twitter: @RenzoGracieCT