Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not A Day Without - Supplementation

What My Body Needs it Gets

I run a tight ship, everything that goes into my body gets screened and double checked. Reinforcements for every supplement not possible to be consumed in my diet can be found in pill, powder or gel form in one of my "Supply Bags". I dont go anywhere without a protein snack, and I'm often made fun of pulling out grilled chicken breast, steak, boiled eggs, you name the protein, it's come out my bag. If you know me you know I'm having a bad day when I'm pulling a couple of chocolate bars out instead and chivalry comes in the form of protein shake tubs, l 'glutamine and egg trays (not the chocolate kind).

Due to my recent diet structure, consisting mostly of fish, you can imagine the smell, offending all trainers and clients a like. Not a fan of gum. It makes me hungry. I just can't get the smell of fish off my fingertips. Mind power goes a long way when i close my eyes imagining every bite going to the exact spot where my body needs it, fuel, restoration, repair and growth is all I'm thinking...

So yes, not a day without 1) protein. The solid type. I try eat most of my protein as often as I can and rarely use a protein shake.


Habitually upon rising I take my multivitamin, Omega -3 fish oil gel pills, Ester C Combo, (which I love because it has rose hips, bioflavonoids, kelp and spirulina, scratchy throat and runny nose I pop 2 of these every 3 hours). I'm never without a bottle of water at my bedside.

During heavy weight training my joints suffer and I can particularly feel it when I'm feeling animal and close to overtraining. Mountain escapades, sprint sessions on the tread mill, heavy leg pressing, plyometrics, heavy weighted squats and lunges is asking to feel like 90 when your body is performing like a 21 year old. Totally normal.

People go from 0 to hero, all of sudden "running" and doing every class in the gym with no conditioning and bad shoes. If conditioned athletes are feeling niggels then what does the average Joe expect? Make sure you are getting enough fatty lipids through fish oils like Omega -3 supplements. My added favourite Is Buchulife's JOINT HEALTH. With Buchu oil and salmon oil. When it comes to injuries, prevention is better than cure and I will ALWAYS recommend proper "prehab" from a professional. To book a consultation with myself or any other of the trainers at 360 all the details are available below. My other trustee joint supplement is Joint Revolution by THE REAL THING. Love it. It works.

You cannot build the Empire State on unaligned, faulty and unstable infrastructure. You can't fall apart before you have even begun. The road to fitness is one that should be enjoyed, not an adopt several injuries ride.

Ask yourself: How valuable is my body? Is this body going to take me far? How far and how fast am i going? Now look down at your running shoes...
Don't run in bad shoes. Sort your "prehab" out and sort your shoes out.

I only run in Asics, Gel Nimbus. To be honest, I'm afraid to try anything new as preventing an injury is better than the time spent wishing "I shouldn't of run in those bad shoes," or "I knew my body was fatigued but I played that game of touch." I'm not saying don't go running in the rain and if you're tired don't train, but the body is sacred and you should listen to it. In the end it's your ego that will get in the way of your goals.

Everyone who is anyone who has trained at 360 Specialized Trainingthat leads a fit active life, will know that being in a constant state of pain is perfectly normal. There is no such thing as DOMS because the body is being stretched to its limits, broken and moulded all before you can even remember what just happened to you.

With functional training and Kettlebells in particular there is no such thing as a "Upper Body" day, it's legs legs and more legs, we use our legs to move dont we?

Enter L'Glutamine.

Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in your muscles - over 61% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine. Glutamine consists of 19% nitrogen, making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into your muscle cells.

During intense training, Glutamine levels are greatly depleted in your body, which decreases strength, stamina and recovery. It could take up to 6 days for Glutamine levels to return to normal - and Glutamine plays a key role in protein synthesis. Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation can minimize breakdown of muscle and improve protein metabolism.

L'Glutamine and Your Immune System

L-Glutamine isn't only for athelets. Glutamine is essential for maintaining intestinal function and aiding in the immune response as well. After glutamine is synthesized in skeletal muscle it is released into the bloodstream and transported to the kidney, liver and small intestine and cells of the immune system where it plays another vital role.

Glutamine is used by white blood cells and contributes to normal immune-system function. Individuals with muscle-wasting and immune-system related illnesses (such as cancer or AIDS) who may be incapable of manufacturing their own supply of glutamine may benefit from glutamine supplements taken along with other amino acids. Becoming ill or losing lean muscle mass are potential signs of glutamine deficiency.

This explains my 1kg pack! Cannot go a day without. Post cardio, post weights and at bedtime if I'm feeling run down.

Yours in Fitness

Rushda Moosajee
Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Marketing

360 Specialized Training
Block F The Boulevard Business Park
Searle Street, Woodstock
Cape Town

360 Gym: 021 461 0360
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63


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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Protein Pancakes

5min Protein Pancakes

My persistent sweet tooth craving had me up at Saturday breakfast craving a carb.
Feeling a bit under the weather I took the morning off my usual Kettlebell session at 360 Specialized Training and my cardio session. With massive FOMO I needed a snack to cheer me up and peanut butter or honey was just not going to suffice. So I whipped up my 5min protein pancakes. Excellent for breakfast or a pre workout / post workout snack.

You will need:

5 egg whites
1 egg yolk
1 cup of oats
1 scoop of protein powder*
Spray cook, green lid

* I used Muscletech Triple Choc Casein shake (had it in the cupboard), feel free to use which ever you desire

Blend ingredients together and pour into a hot skillet -Voila!

Serve with honey and peanut butter or nuts, fresh fruit, fat free yoghurt (if your diet allows) and if you are really naughty some Nutella.

Let me know if you enjoyed it?
Yours in Fitness

Rushda Moosajee
Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Marketing
360 Specialized Training
Block F The Boulevard Business Park
Searle Street, Woodstock
Cape Town
360 Gym: 021 461 0360
Cell: 073 234 1388
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Follow Me on Twitter: @Rushtush
Add me as a Friend on Facebook: Rushtush
Like our Facebook Fanpage: 360 Fanpage

Sunday, April 8, 2012

For the Love of Personal Training

A Concept Called Structure and Passion

I lack discipline, I do things because I love to do them. Im driven by passion, not rules, and step by step guides. Im wreckless and I see training as "fun" and as cheesy as it sounds the fun in functional training gets me excited every time. The ability to challenge the whole body, lifting things, throwing things, rotating while balancing, using co ordination, being explosive, rocketing myself up and forward, jumping and all the traditional base movements involved during and around my practice at 360 Specialized Training my tail wagging like a puppy for a bone. I just lap that stuff up.

Following my strict regime of only 1 weight session a day, that includes body weight cardio, ie sprinting, box jumps, jump lunges etc. I'm allowed 40min of cardio. The boring kind. All I want to do is go and run outside in the rain, the sun, take a trip up the mountain. Live. Telling myself soon is soon and I will be lighter and muscle preservation goal achieved I will be there... Focusing on the end goal is keeping me going and my clients are keeping me sane holding me back like a caged wild women.

Training vicariously through them, this Good Friday I took Mariam for a cardio session. No we don't stand aside the bike or treadmill at 360, it's a bit about fun, well as fun as cardio can be. The session involved skipping intervals and some of my favourite weighted medicine ball pairing techniques I learnt from my PT and owner of 360 Specialized Training, Chris Walsh.

An empty gym calls for much fun with hard bouncing, throwing, squat throws, catch variations and more sprints. We had the luxury of sprinting in between cones also focussing on strengthening the hamstring by sprinting backward. I included some Kettlebell swings and deep frog jumps and Mariam who usually tries to talk her way out of many exercises was totally tricked into everything we did. I incorporate push ups and crunches in every workout as the benefits go far beyond the basic movement pattern. We finished off with some boxing combos (another trick) and by the end of the hour we were both drenched in sweat. Not looking too cute but neither cared. 360 is not that type of gym, empty or not. The athletes come to train hard and there is a lot expected of them, at their own personal pace of course. The beauty of personal training in a private gym...

My clients might not love me during every session as the pain they experience will make sense to them one day, hopefully someday sooner than later. but the body is strong and the governed by the mind. You are a lot stronger than you think you are and I it's our jobs as PT's to help show you. Every session is one step closer to being what you want to be. You may not be there today but you are one session closer.

Putting in the reps
- Friday is Back Day

Changing tshirts I'm off to train back with my Coach, Coach SK. Heavy intense repetition after repetition, focus, breathing, controlling, it's the most mental training I've ever done. When you think you're done, you bloody aren't, and there is no counting, if he yells 10 more you do 10 more.

I walk in and I get greeted with: "warm up on the treadmill,"
Me: "No."
SK: "when you start off with replies like that!" He marches off to the machine puts it on the heaviest weight my frame can handle and suddenly it dawns on me, I am my own worst client! I am the nightmare I cope with daily! This whole time I'm feeling sorry for me, when I should be feeling sorry for him.

I zone out and meditate off to my happy place, I think about the mountain. I think about what others won't do that I do to get where I want to be. It separates Champions from ordinary people. I love doing the extraordinary, as dumb as it may sound challenging your mind to make your body do and become something stronger than the day before by doing something that requires precision and discipline is not normal, it takes a special kind of someone. This is work. No talking, no fun, no box jumps, just work and I'm working on my personal character along the way. God I need discipline.

Do I dare mention my cardio session prior, never, Coach SK will break my back. Twice.
I take home a broken back and a smile. Because nobody ever regretted a training session. The productive nerd inside me wide smiled reminding myself to find something stretch or knit to wear for tonight because the pump makes it impossible to fit into anything... For now at least. Excited face... Dreams a lil...
Until next time.

Yours in Fitness
Rushda Moosajee
Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Marketing
360 Specialized Training
Block F The Boulevard Business Park
Searle Street, Woodstock
Cape Town
360 Gym: 021 461 0360
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

First Week Back

With the longest three weeks out of zero training. I started my 12 Week Diet and my new Cardio phase I've been holding up on since January. That means minimum mountain expeditions, no sprint sessions, no Sunday 18kms and no endless galavanting between cardio machines at the gym. Let's just say it resulted in a very heavy, tired, uncomfortable, not very fast or agile 57.5kg Rush.
I'm not going to lie but adding the extra weight was a delicious affair and it will probably be the last time those types of food and treats will ever be eaten again.

Empowering and ego boosting as it is to be picking up heavy weights the bigger the damage on my tiny frame it left the heavier I became. Ignoring the scale for the entire duration of course. It was evident that everything was larger than life, my quads, my lats, my chest, my arms, even my feet got bigger (enter barefoot training) and my boss, Chris Walsh referred to my tush as the gyms missing Bosu Ball.

Jokes and aesthetics aside, my joints ached, knees hurt, was out of breath, possibly snored and I felt lethargic and I was tired all the time. Not normal for someone like myself who always has enough energy to power up a small village.

Needless to say I've never been more excited to start my diet this week. Ultra clean eating and total discipline when it comes to structured training and planning that makes me who I am. I love challenges. I love it when things are difficult and working hard at things is the only way I work. I am lucky to enjoy the journey to get to where I want to be. But we must always keep in mind where we are going? What is the END GOAL Figure out what you want. Start with the end result in mind. Are you a marathon runner? Are you are power lifter? Do you want to be a strong man / girl? Are you doing the Argus next year? Why are you doing it? Do you want to improve your flexibility? Whether your goals are fat loss and general health so you can run after your kids, start with visualising That Day, feel that energy,feel refreshed, feel that feeling of accomplishment when you take your top off at the beach, we you pass that finish line and start today. Prep for tomorrow...

I always say I love Mondays!!! it's the best day of the week, new beginnings, new obstacles and new lives to change, starting with your own.

This week I stuck to the program. By dividing my cardio session and my weight training program, eating at the hours required and resting when needed. I completed 5 x cardio sessions and 5 x weight training sessions. Weight training this week was with My Mentor / Boss / Personal Trainer Chris Walsh at 360 Specialized Training The Gym
With the help of my PT I started to get my body conditioned with full functional training this week, we focused on full movement patterns (squats, lunges, jumps, rotations, push ups and pull ups) addressing core stabilisation, balance, flexibility accompanied with Kettlebell training, some power lifts and plyometrics. It felt great to back.

My training high lights of the week was definitely the one arm push up set into rotation press.
Turkish get ups and weighted box jumps. Friday was a bit of power lifting, hi reps because my quads get big quickly, nothing like an Olympic Bar clean & Press to know you're back in beasting :)

The Diet

Managing to consume 25 eggs by Friday one would think that brunch at the Mill sans egg omelette will be fine, but by 1pm I was feeling the lost eggs. Never to be skipped again.
Eating every 2 hours is hard work and sometimes I just can't get the food down, but since there is no salt, sauce and sites, food is easy to eat and my energy levels are up all day from my cardio at 5am to my last clients at 9pm.

I could eat like this forever.

Yes it was difficult Friday night at dinner with friends, but most restaurants have line fish options, as long as you stay away from the table bread and regarding myself, basically everything else on the menu. Like I said decide what You want, and make the decision, one arm push ups and bland egg omelettes with dry oats isn't for everyone. It takes a certain kind of someone to refrain from boerie rolls at a Stormers celebratory braai with friends.


Yes I know 5 days is too soon to see results and realistically I would like to see how my body deals with the stress and interruption the weekend brings, but by Friday I had dropped 1.5kg of mass. Almost certain it's almost all fat as I'm on a high protein diet and sticking to my toning schedule.
I think a more accurate weight loss is one that stays off, so not clapping my hands just yet. We have a long way to go...

Good luck to me!!!!

To book a personal training session contact me or book online on

Yours in Fitness
Rushda Moosajee
Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Marketing
360 Specialized Training
Block F The Boulevard Business Park
Searle Street, Woodstock
Cape Town
360 Gym: 021 461 0360
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63
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