I'm not going to lie but adding the extra weight was a delicious affair and it will probably be the last time those types of food and treats will ever be eaten again.
Empowering and ego boosting as it is to be picking up heavy weights the bigger the damage on my tiny frame it left the heavier I became. Ignoring the scale for the entire duration of course. It was evident that everything was larger than life, my quads, my lats, my chest, my arms, even my feet got bigger (enter barefoot training) and my boss, Chris Walsh referred to my tush as the gyms missing Bosu Ball.

Jokes and aesthetics aside, my joints ached, knees hurt, was out of breath, possibly snored and I felt lethargic and I was tired all the time. Not normal for someone like myself who always has enough energy to power up a small village.
Needless to say I've never been more excited to start my diet this week. Ultra clean eating and total discipline when it comes to structured training and planning that makes me who I am. I love challenges. I love it when things are difficult and working hard at things is the only way I work. I am lucky to enjoy the journey to get to where I want to be. But we must always keep in mind where we are going? What is the END GOAL Figure out what you want. Start with the end result in mind. Are you a marathon runner? Are you are power lifter? Do you want to be a strong man / girl? Are you doing the Argus next year? Why are you doing it? Do you want to improve your flexibility? Whether your goals are fat loss and general health so you can run after your kids, start with visualising That Day, feel that energy,feel refreshed, feel that feeling of accomplishment when you take your top off at the beach, we you pass that finish line and start today. Prep for tomorrow...
I always say I love Mondays!!! it's the best day of the week, new beginnings, new obstacles and new lives to change, starting with your own.

This week I stuck to the program. By dividing my cardio session and my weight training program, eating at the hours required and resting when needed. I completed 5 x cardio sessions and 5 x weight training sessions. Weight training this week was with My Mentor / Boss / Personal Trainer Chris Walsh at 360 Specialized Training The Gym
With the help of my PT I started to get my body conditioned with full functional training this week, we focused on full movement patterns (squats, lunges, jumps, rotations, push ups and pull ups) addressing core stabilisation, balance, flexibility accompanied with Kettlebell training, some power lifts and plyometrics. It felt great to back.

My training high lights of the week was definitely the one arm push up set into rotation press.
Turkish get ups and weighted box jumps. Friday was a bit of power lifting, hi reps because my quads get big quickly, nothing like an Olympic Bar clean & Press to know you're back in beasting :)
The Diet
Managing to consume 25 eggs by Friday one would think that brunch at the Mill sans egg omelette will be fine, but by 1pm I was feeling the lost eggs. Never to be skipped again.
Eating every 2 hours is hard work and sometimes I just can't get the food down, but since there is no salt, sauce and sites, food is easy to eat and my energy levels are up all day from my cardio at 5am to my last clients at 9pm.

I could eat like this forever.
Yes it was difficult Friday night at dinner with friends, but most restaurants have line fish options, as long as you stay away from the table bread and regarding myself, basically everything else on the menu. Like I said decide what You want, and make the decision, one arm push ups and bland egg omelettes with dry oats isn't for everyone. It takes a certain kind of someone to refrain from boerie rolls at a Stormers celebratory braai with friends.
Yes I know 5 days is too soon to see results and realistically I would like to see how my body deals with the stress and interruption the weekend brings, but by Friday I had dropped 1.5kg of mass. Almost certain it's almost all fat as I'm on a high protein diet and sticking to my toning schedule.
I think a more accurate weight loss is one that stays off, so not clapping my hands just yet. We have a long way to go...

Good luck to me!!!!
To book a personal training session contact me or book online on http://rushismissfit.appointron.com/bookings/reservations
Yours in Fitness
Rushda Moosajee
Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Marketing
360 Specialized Training
Block F The Boulevard Business Park
Searle Street, Woodstock
Cape Town
360 Gym: 021 461 0360
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63
Website: http://www.360training.co.za/
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yay!!! so glad you're back!!! <3