Every now and the we find ourselves unmotivated with a lack of enthusiasm to approach the next workout. Your legs feel like lead, your iPod battery is dead and you forgot your water bottle at home, the gym has been playing Bruno Mars and some fart is on your machine. Why are you even here? It was much easier just accumulating guilt on the couch at home. Was it?
Sometimes I find myself driving to Table Mountain, to get there and sit in my car staring at the fog, the blazing sun or listening to the wind - coming up with all sorts of reasons about why it really is okay turn around and go for a massage instead. So so many times.
With the new year approaching it is a fresh opportunity to give yourself a revitalised start. I give myself these "STARTS" every Monday! A pep talk Sunday - "tomorrow will be great, you will be amazing and love your workouts," planning my meals in my head - I am armed with success. But not everyday is the same, sometimes we get so caught up in routine and in my case too much structure that we forget about how far we have come. This is aVERY important factor in your adherence to exercise.
Look how far we have come, darling...

Most times it will seem as if you are not getting the results you want. You compare yourself to others in the gym (again people have different genetics and you don't know where they have come from, what they were like when they started). You compare yourself to high school - you will never weigh 49kg ever again. Let it go.

But still - look how far you have come since you engaged your Fitness Plan.
CLIENT Testimonial
By Tavia Pereira
I started training with Rush in Nov 2011, to be honest at the time the main reason I was joining was to keep my sister company during her sessions. I had a bad attitude about becoming fit and I didn't want to listen to anyone or be told what to do. Rushda didn't give my bad attitude a chance, she challenged me and had a no-nonsense approach which was exactly what I needed to motivate me and kick my ass in to shape (literally).
Here I am just over a year later, in the best shape I've ever been in in my life. My fitness journey is by no means over, I still have many goals I want to reach, but I can definitely say I'm a completely different girl than the one who walked in to that gym in 2011. That girl couldn't do a sit-up to save her life, that girl was overweight, insecure and unhappy; and she definitely wouldn't have been able to keep up with training 4 times a week!
I feel like the type of environment Rush provides for training makes it much easier to produce results than other gyms! I'm excited to come and train with Rush and the girls, this type of training not only breeds fitness beasts but allows you to make genuine friends with amazing girls too. It's like having your very own cheering squad every step of the way. Watching the other girls reach their goals is such awesome motivation to push even harder.
Rushda Mosajee has changed my life for the better, I am so thankful for having her come in to my life. She has motivated and reached me in a way that no other trainer/person/gym ever has. I never thought that fitness would be on top of my list of priorities, but it is, and I've never been happier or more confident.
Thank you for everything Rush!

Methods that Work for ME To Stay Motivated
Keeping Track
Results should be measurable and factual. Firstly I take a photo of all my clients and of myself - you need to be aware of body composition changes in clothing and underwear, postural changes and skin changes. Get your sister or brother to take a picture of you. Record the date.
Measure your bits - go for it, do it yourself or get another. Measure your thigh, arm, chest, waist, hips (bum), knee, ankle and neck if you want! Go wild. Measure every 2-4 weeks if you are on an intense eating and training program.
When you are feeling stuck and uninspired - look at photos, take another photo, look at the facts - its there... Even though the scale might not be moving, something is working so hang in there. It takes 8 weeks before you notice changes and 12 weeks for someone else to see differences.

Recite Mantras
Man in the Mirror
The first obstacle is yourself. You are your own worst enemy, you will talk yourself out of something good for you no matter what and you will convince yourself a bad decision is the only perfect decision if you wanted to. Use that power of conviction and repeat Positive Affirmations and "Mantras" to yourself. "you will feel great afterward," "if you can do this, you can do anything." I simply repeat to myself - "you are amazing. You are a Champion, start acting like one and stop being a baby."

Identify the Obstacles - so we can overcome them
"Obstacles are objects we will have to box jump over"
Going to hard for too long within the same type of "environment" or training. Most of us do not have the discipline to wake up 5am every single morning and do 45min of cardio on an empty tummy (for example). Certain procedures do need to be followed to attain specific results - yes you will see results if you did so 6-7 p/week, but you will lose your sanity, your legs will feel like lead and you'll end up choking yourself with your own iPod cable. Seek guidance to avoid this obstacle ~
Please consult a professional who can help you structure your program and work your way backward from your goal. Like my Coach says: "How can you arrive somewhere when you don't have the directions?"

My Coach, Musikanth & training partner Lee Muller at Body Excel
How to overcome overtraining that leads to hitting a plateau is to make sure you have planned your Microcycle's correctly (training week schedule) and your 4 week cycle within your 3months-6months. It is vital to factor in the seasons, rest periods and the time around you wish to peak / perform.
For example. Give yourself 6months to reach a realistic goal. Note: Within that the first 3 months you will see the biggest results. If you are a Newbie, all you need to know is that you have to focus on Base Conditioning - for at least a month. Again consult a professional. Athletes and conditioned athletes focus on Base Conditioning at the start of a program too - incorporating some "Prehab" / Rehab, flexibility, stability, core work, co- ordination skills and some re activity work. If you have trained with me, you have experienced all of this on some type of level.
The importance of planning ahead is to prevent aesthetic plateaus, boredom and monotony.
Plan Realistic Targeted Training Schedule
Ensure that you training times, days and amount of sessions is realistic within your schedule. I will go into detail in another article about "Drawing Up Your Training Week" - I will touch topics like 1) Variation 2) Cross Training 3) Active Rest 4) Rest 5) Re- Assessment.

Group Support
This is something that really keeps me going, group motivation, group training - during the sessions and days out the gym. You may not have the support structure at home and with friends to stick to your diet and training routine but if you have training partners or train in groups, it is much easier to flourish in an environment where you can see training partners progressing, losing weight, achieving personal bests and adhering to diets. I personally find it more difficult to make it through a tough session without my PT (who trains with us) and my training partner(s).
This will transition into outdoor training where fitness becomes part of your social life - this is the ultimate achievement and we have all succeeded as keeping fit will never leave you and adherence to our Fitness Plan will be engrained in your DN! Tavia touched on this in her testimonial. This also combats monotony in your routine as it opens up for diversity in your training program and can break a plateau caused by overtraining you may experience.

Group training can be intense but also a good laugh
"you're going to the gym - again?!" people who don't support your goals and dreams and don't support or understand your lifestyle change have got to go! Make new friends. Simple. Fit friends flock together, run together, train together :) be careful of "friends" that try sabotage your healthy efforts.

Marry an Athlete

I've always sieved out the guys I found fit to date with a lil fitness test of my own... I knew the man I was going to marry would be a Champion. After all, I'm a beast that needs to be pushed, encouraged, supported and out run. Lol. Those of you who know me, know that - you're coming up the mountain with me, you're running 16km in the heat and when we go on holiday, suitcases are filled with training kit (fitness holiday).
We can't chose our family and colleagues but we can choose our life partner. Someone special who is willing to do harness work early on Sunday am with you, push your lazy ass up the mountain, listen to endless training hypothesis and finally still motivate you to "go to gym darling, you'll feel better!" It just makes it easier... If that's not the response you get from your partner - you always have me...

in Turkey training at the local gym: Flamingo Gym

Harness work during beach training on Sundays
Yours in Fitness
Rushda Moosajee
Functional Hybrid Trainer | Lifestyle Coach
86 Buitengracht street (corner of Hout, 2nd floor above Build It)
Cape Town
Academy: 021 423 2112
Cell: 073 234 1388
BBPin: 268F9E63
Academy Website: http://www.renzogracie.co.za/
Lightpink by Rushtush: http://renzogracie.co.za/index.php/programs/light-pink-program
My website: Blog
Follow Me on Twitter: @Rushtush
Follow Us on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/renzograciect
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