Monday, August 23, 2010

Only 2 Weeks

Day 14
Squat down, Leap up & Land soft

Intense second week and my little body is feeling it. Exasperated, I try so hard to listen to my body, because apparently, "it has a right over me", I also cannot progress in terms of muscle growth (hypertrophy) which will work against my goal to increase my lean muscle mass and get the ripped look I so fervently desire, also if I train before the muscle is fully recovered, I can retard my muscle growth. Rest needs vary for each individual. Dietary guidelines, stress, genetics, sleeping habits, age, and supplements all are contributing factors to recovery. So what may work for someone else, may likely not work for me and you. When your muscles repair themselves after training they are slightly stronger than before. I can self detest that this true, just this morning I was doing a 50kg dead lift. Something I wasn't able to do last week...  The body is magnificent and with weight training my body is able to be a metabolic furnace that will burn calories 24 hours a day. Other factors that affect recovery are adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and supplementation.

 Dead Lifting 40 kg, last week @ 360WW

Because of the sporadic and intense change in my nutrition and sleep bio-rhythm, due to the month of Ramadan, my adequate 8 hours of sleep (optimum for muscle growth) and my failing to re feed my body as an organism needing 5 smaller meals throughout the day, focusing on quality protein (natural or supplemented), will have a negative effect on my goal. All this being said, I continue to sabotage myself by eating haphazardly over the weekend. What do I expect, I'm fasting throughout the day, going on 9km runs around the city, attending Bikram yoga classes and flinging myself forward and up onto a bench, all without water... Keeping a level head I make sure I use L'Glutamine in the mornings at breakfast and in the evenings at dinner. Ideally it should be taken 3 x daily. But every little counts. Glutamine is an amino acid. It is the single most prevalent amino in muscle tissue and is lost in very high levels during intense exercise. It is beneficial in reducing muscle tissue breakdown and plays an important role in boosting the immune system. It can be added to any drink, or taken alone in water.

Reflex Glutamine, Ideal for periods of hard training, dieting, mass building or when run down. R160 available at Wellness Warehouse stores.

Trying not to fool myself to much over here, I understand this body needs to be sufficiently fueled in order to perform, its no surprise come Sunday I find myself over eating...

18 Aug 10
Day 9, Wednesday

The goal today is to make it through the day ALIVE. 
After dinner I'm hoping to attend a Muay Thai class... This doesn't mean I don't show up at 360 Gym @ 08:30 for my 1 on 1 session with Chris!/profile.php?id=507561899&ref=ts. Something tells me its going to be a difficult session, so I make sure I prepare myself a killer chocolate protein shake (meal replacement sachet) with half a banana and 25gm of low fat yoghurt, some prunes and 1/ 3 of Lindt Hazelnut chocolate (a gift from Dad, trying to encourage me to "let my waist band down"), obviously the moments of Lindt indulgence occurs between 04:00 - 05:00. Definitely not regretting the Lindt when Chris makes me do variations of push ups, touching my foot, extending my leg and arm and then into a 1 arm push up. Hello. Madness, and it's only the warm up.

Watching me like a hawk, I make it through the session, I even manage to get 2 sets of box jumps done! The exercise, shown below, seems deceptively simple, yet it extends the muscles of the quads, hamstrings, and glutes–then explosively contracts them to create upward momentum. The result of this effective and efficient movement is the development of highly volatile muscle fibers and the ability to jump higher. The box jump requires coordination, agility, accuracy, and balance. Proper technique often demands practice at lower heights until you achieve mastery. We make it through a circuit program designed for myself and he is a lot more forgiving with my rep drop-age, but never my form.

Missfit doing a Box Jump, developing her highly volatile muscle fibers and her ability to jump higher.

Play Cycle

Energized and buzzing, I know I will regret it later I hop onto the spin bike and have a 20min cycle.
I want to see sweat puddles all around me before I get off.

For dinner I have my fantasy brocolli date salad and some beans.

Play Run + Sauna + Steam


Day 9 Play Rating
The rating is based on the physical activities I have set out for the particular day and whether or not I complete them!!

1/1 360 PT Session

Sweaty t-shirt rating: 8/10

1/1 5km Run
Sweaty t-shirt rating: 9/10

Day 9 Eat

Lindt Chocolate
Protein shake, half banana + 25gm low fat yoghurt
3 x prunes
Brocolli, date, feta, almond, avo salad
chicken pieces 
30gm of beans

Eat Rating

8/10 Feeling strong

19 Aug 10
Day 10, Thursday
Yoga Breathing & Timing Traffic lights

Play Yoga

Sy & Jax @ Jai Yoga CT

Oversleeping prevents me from having a proper breakfast, I swallow 2 dates and quickly get it down with some yoghurt. I make sure I have a serving of L'Glutamine. Off I go to a Bikram class. Stunningly and not surprisingly I leave yoga feeling energized, not tired. If you feel tired after yoga, it means you spent the time "fighting" yourself, trying to force yourself into poses. In yoga, you "surrender" to the pose by letting go of the tension. I find myself using yoga breathing throughout my day and during different situations. Yoga can become a part of your mental life too. When you are taught to focus breathe in the poses
you are holding, The attention to your breathe is calm and you are taught to dissolve stress and anxiety and can be used in traffic too. 

What yoga can do for you

The physical benefits

Creates a toned, flexible, and strong body. Improves respiration, energy, and vitality. Helps to maintain a balanced metabolism. Promotes cardio and circulatory health. Relieves pain. Helps you look and feel younger than your age. Improves your athletic performance.

The mental benefits:

Helps you relax and handle stressful situations more easily. Teaches you how to quiet the mind so you can focus your energy where you want it to go - into a difficult yoga pose, on the squash court or golf course, or in the office. Encourages positive thoughts and self-acceptance.

The spiritual benefits: 

Builds awareness of your body, your feelings, the world around you, the needs of others. Promotes an interdependence between mind, body, and spirit. Helps you live the concept of "oneness."  

Contact Jai Yoga on +27 (0)21 418 0974 or email on or visit

Play Run

Meeting the boys at the VA Foreshore at 16:45, dehydrated as hell we march off up Loop street. Again I can't figure out how I thought I would be able to keep up with these two runners, legs like beasts and up to the heavens and calves built to climb hills. Chewing on my words about breaking body barriers in order to reach new heights, I try to look brave as they are keen as Springbok to tear up this run Mohsin mapped out for us on , a brilliant website that can map your run for, showing you the distance of the route you wish to run along. Traffic hour, I summon up that yogi breathe of fire and then other breath too to calm myself as we "time robots" and make our way up the hill that is hi- level road. I can't believe I'm following them up and I refuse to stop. Because that's what I'm made of. Non-stop determination, no, you can't buy it in a bottle. Anyway they wait for me and we enjoy the next 9km along the beach side, V&A Waterfront and back to the Foreshore.

I feel like I'm in a body war and my hammys are letting me have it like its nobodies business. I'm an exhausted hott mess of a self proclaimed fitness nerd. I cover myself in head to toe with Ice Man, cry myself to sleep because I know Friday morning at 07:00 I have a 360 Beasting session with a few other clients, Chris & Mark from 360 Gym.

The rest of the Lindt
Dates and yoghurt
1/2 Sterie Stumpie
Protein shake, meal replacement, with half banana, 6 x raw almonds, peanut butter and strawberries

Day 10, Eat Rating

7/10 Dehydrated

20 Aug 10
Day 11, Friday

All I want to do is sleep. I'm told to check my RHR and I seem fine and healthy to head down to the gym for a 07:00 beasting, Chris is setting up and I am in pain and fear just standing there looking at the kettlebells. Mark is energetic, shouting "BAAAAAAAAAAH'S!!!!!!!!!" and other motivational sayings, like, "All day baby, we can do this alllll dayyy" as the sun comes through the windows as we all sweat away and I cry, wondering how I managed to sign myself up for this type of torture. 

Mark & Shaun doing KB Front Squats + Presses, A Kettlebell is a traditional Russian cast iron weight that looks like a cannon ball with a handle.
The Front Squat, as seen above is an outstanding leg strength and flexibility developer. It also teaches abdominal pressurization. We are separated into 2 groups of 3 and perform the KB Front Squats, KB Swings!/photo.php?pid=5108357&fbid=409149266775&op=3&o=global&view=global&subj=353698193697&id=539436775, Presses, Snatches, Rotation Presses and all different variations of this. 

Of course there are also sets of varied push ups, along with shoulder exercises concentrating on the three “headed” structure, that makes up a shoulder. These heads are the anterior, posterior and lateral or medial deltoid. The anterior deltoid (front of the shoulder) assists the pecs in pushing exercises like the push ups. It is also important to incorporate compound movements like a Military Press as it involves all 3 facets of the shoulder.

3 Heads that make up the Shoulder

My trainer believes that kettlebells are at the top of the food chain, that the quality and finish is high, smooth, and sexy. It looks durable, but more importantly the kettlebells are good to handle and the balance can’t be faulted. I believe in them because I can feel it addressng my entire body as a unit simultaneously. One can get the most effective, short and intense, cardiovascular and strength workout, whether I'm ready for it or not, within twenty minutes with one of these beauties. At 360 KB's are used to vaporize fat, scorch lungs, demand new strength, rehabilitate weak areas and improve our overall level of conditioning.

KB Military Press, on 1 Leg, involves all facets of the shoulder!

Pre Summer Special 3 Personal Training Sessions for R300*!/event.php?eid=112020455519763#wall


By the time I was ready to eat all I could muster to my mouth was rubbish and I polished off an entire box of Vita snacks (sweet pepper flavour) with red pepper hummus, Lindt chocolate, dates, peanut butter and cadbury eclair toffees. Massive fail.

There was no way my body good make itself to the squash court that night for my scheduled game :(

Day 11 Eat Score

0/10 Delete

21 Aug 10
Day 12, Saturday

and I feel repaired :D



1/2 apple
tuna salad with potatoes and egg
fruit and yoghurt
cadbury eclair toffees

r e s t is what I need.

I take Sunday off, but by the time I reach Sunday evening my feet are itching so I bang out a quick 3km, just so I can get my heart rate up, my metabolism kicking in and my body exhausted for bed :)

Day 13
Play Run

1/1 Run 3km

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